“Know” 目的地
Learn the area, the culture, local customs, history of criminal activity and local laws.
“Insight Into” 环境
Become familiar with the environment. You must know what is normal to be able to detect what is unusual.
“Local” 通讯畅通
Always have local coins or calling cards for pay phones. Know how to use the local phone system and the number for emergencies.
“Keep” 低姿态
Keep a low profile. Don’t advertise XXX affiliation.
“Low Key” 有礼貌
Be polite and low key. Avoid loud conversations and arguments.
“Dress and Behave” 融入当地
穿着举止恰当。避免风格不适合本地 – 设法融入。
Dress and behave conservatively. Avoid styles that don’t fit in the local area – try to blend in.
“Don’t” 穿着带攻击性口号或标志的服饰
Don’t wear clothing with slogans or symbols that may be offensive. Remember, different cultures have different values and beliefs. When in doubt, be conservative.
“Don’t Flash” 大金额的钱款
Don’t flash large sums of money. Never carry documents, credit cards, or large sums of money that you don’t need to have on your person.
“Avoid” 独自外出
Avoid going out alone, especially at night. Avoid secluded areas, poorly lit streets and narrow alleys.
“Stay away” 麻烦地点
Stay away from known “trouble spots”, demonstrations, and political rallies.
“Deals” 好得难以置信
When shopping or in other contacts, remember “Deals too good to be true” usually are.
“Hangover” 醉汉
Criminals often target intoxicated people. Excessive consumption of alcohol is often the first step to becoming the victim of a crime or serious accident. Most importantly, many victims simply lose their ability to perceive and appreciate potential dangers. It lowers your awareness, rational decision making process, and physical coordination. If you drink, do so in moderation, especially when away from your residence. Staying sober may help you stay healthy and alive.
放聪明点 / 保持警惕 / 注意提防